In this Session, we learned about AI games, minimax algorithm, alpha-beta pruning and deeper game trees. We were also given an exercise to perform the minimax algorithm in the tree using alpha-beta pruning. We are also given an exercise about tic tac toe, which we’re asked to draw the game tree.
Intelligent System Week 3
This week we were taught to understand the different approach and techniques of AI also the mathematical background and techniques in AI. We learned about local search and semi-global search like genetic algorithm search. We were given exercise about the genetic algorithms.
Intelligent System Week 2
Intelligent System week 2
On the second week of class, we learned about uninformed search strategies which consist of BFS(Breadth-first search), DFS(depth-first search), DLS(Depth-limited search), UCS(Uniform-cost search) and IDS( iterative-deepening search) and we are given some exercises related to uninformed search strategies.
Intelligent System
Journal week 1
In the first week of class, we are given an introduction to the basic concept of AI and machine learning, as well as the history of AI. We are also being taught to analyze the task environment of software agents. In this session, we also learned the environmental factors that determine the agent design.
Database Management System Project
1. Winson Wardana – 2201798345
2. Jennifer Ihdata – 2201798774
3. Rafli Trianindya Putra – 2201798585
4. Gadiza Namira Putri Andjani – 2201798452
Introduction :
Gadiza’s grandma own a cookie store. So her grandma sells cookies but has never had a system to organize her order, we plan to create a system for her to sell her cookies in an orderly fashion. So we intend to make sure her grandma makes the right amount for the correct people, as well as finish her orders based on who ordered first.
Problem Statement :
In this project database our group will make a “Grandma’s Cookie Store System”. As of now, grandma takes calls or texts and makes her cookies as she gets the orders. And sometimes she mistaken her order and doesn’t make them based on who order first ,but rather which message she sees first. We hope that with a new system to organize her orders, she will be able to satisfy her customers more as well as make it easier for her to conduct her small business. In addition we might add the money managing system to organized the finance for the store.
Target user:
The target users is to all the user who wants to manage the orders, as it will
make the user admin to access and track and view the orders easily.
ER Diagram :

My contribution for this game is making all the events and sub-events in the construct 2 such as making all the events of making the next narrative appear by pressing space, event that will let you go to another scene if a button is clicked, basically filling all the events so that the game will work.
To move to the next scene, press SPACE and to pick a choice click the button above the text on the screen. Remember, your choice will decide the fate of the story, so choose your choices wisely!
“Stranded” is a choice making game made by Gadiza, Jennifer and Vicky from the computer science major. In this game you are stranded and are desperate to survive. Make sure you make the right choices in order to outlive this ordeal. Press Space to move to the next scene and click the button of your choice in the screen and decide your fate! Remember, Every Choice Matters!
When you first start the game, you will be directed to the home page, where you can either start the game directly or press help to know more about the tutorials,the creator’s information and the resources.
If you press the start button, this will be the page you are directed to, the story will start here. To move to the next scene, press space. Press the button above the narrative text to choose your option.
If you press the help button, you will be directed to this page, you will be able to see the characters, tutorials, information of the creator and the references from the game in this page.
Feel free to contact us:
Final Project proposal
Name: Survive!
Course: Multimedia and Human Computer Interactions
Members: Gadiza, Jennifer, Vicky
Our project is about a game about empathy. In this game, the user is asked to choose between choices that will determine the ending of the whole game. The plot of the project is about survival, so depending on the choices the users make some characters may die and some may live. Every decisions matter!